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*** Please excuse my terribly bland and awkward blog appearance. I'm working hard on making it look pretty . . . it's QUITE time consuming!! ***

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've decided to actually use my Twitter account ... seriously, I've had it forever but never really got into it. I've kinda always seen it as a facebook for celebrities, it seems that celebs are the only ones that really use it. I'm sure that lots of regular people use it, and I'm just over-exaggerating. I guess we will see if regular people use it by how many of your follow me!! So, check me out over there: meandmybucket (original right?) LOL. :)

Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #17!!

Hi everyone!!! As always, Wednesday has creeped right on in and it's time for another party. This week is hectic because I leave EARLY Monday morning to fly out to Georgia to see the hubs!! It's been a LONG 3 months and I'm sooo excited!! I'm leaving Bucket with my SIL and it's going to be a much needed getaway. I know that I will worry constantly about him, but he's in good hands.

Anyway, thanks for the input on the "rules". I think I'm just going to have a rule about linking back to my party in your post. I don't care if you use the button, or if you just put a link to my page or if you have a list of your parties somewhere else on your blog. But with that last option I still would like the post to at least say something like "click here to see where I linked up" or something like that. That's easy enough right? If you link up and your post gets deleted it's probably because I didn't see a link anywhere. Just repost and we'll be good to go!!

Here is my project for today ...

I got this cute little planty thing (that's the technical term) at the thrift store for $15 and I just knew I had to pick it up. Although I had no idea what I was going to do with it, isn't that how most thrift store finds seem to start out? At least for me anyway. She's been sitting in the garage for over 3 months and I finally figured out what I wanted to do with her. I took the plexi glass out, it was kinda scratched anyway, and spray painted her with some heirloom white.

Now ... she's ready ... are you ready for her???

She's in the bathroom and I LOVE how it turned out. I use to have the TP in a basket on the floor but I like the way this looks because it's a bit more dressy. I want to get a few more big towels instead of the hand towels, but this is still super cute for now. Don't you think?

Ok, party time!!!! Show Us What You're Workin' With!!!!


Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #17!!

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #16!!!

Well everyone ... I FINALLY have a project to share with you this week!! YEA!!! And I have like 4 others waiting to be posted!! I can't believe it, the ideas just started flowing and now I have a bunch all set and ready to go. Anyway, it's time to get to gettin', but I want to ask you a few questions first.

1. Should I have "rules" about this party? ie: my button needs to be somewhere on your blog, the button needs to be in the actual post, etc.

2. Is it time to have specific party criteria? I don't really LOVE this idea, but I'm just putting it out there.

3. How about this one ... Should I limit how many times one person links up each week? Does it matter if one of you has 8 projects to share? What about a rule that says that it has to be a new project every week. Just meaning, that it can't be a project you haven't linked up previously.

I don't know, just comment and let me know what you think. I really want to hear what you have to say!!

Ok, here is my project!!

This picture shows it as a pencil holder, but my original plan for it is to be used as a vase. Super cute right? I didn't go the vase route simply because it's 10:45 and I don't really want to go tromping around in the dark outside trying to find some flowers :) This was sooo easy and Cheap!!

I drink over 100 oz of water a day and I LOVE the crystal light packets that you can just add to water. You can buy the individual packets or larger ones that make 2 quarts. The bigger ones come in these cute little containers. Anyway, I finished these off and I put the empty containers in my craft room because I knew that I would be able to use them for something. Then, earlier today it came to me ... Fridge Vases!!

I started by measuring the length and circumference and cut some cute scrapbook paper to the measurements. I brushed on some mod-podge and started laying the paper down. I used this crusty bone folder to smooth out the bumps and wrinkles.

Keep gluing and wrapping the paper around the container, making sure to try to make it as smooth as possible. After I got the paper all glued down I let it dry and then slapped a few coats of mod-podge on top of the paper. I wanted to make sure to put a few extra coats to help protect the paper against any water that may possibly get on the outside.

I glued on some ribbons and two magnets. I just used some scrapbooking magnet things that I've had forever, but you could also use those plain round ones you get at the craft store.

TA-DA!! That's it, easy right? I made two and I really like how they both turned out. I especially like the price ... FREE since I already had everything on hand. I can't wait to drink more water so I can make some more of these. They would be fun little gifts. How about using them to hold herbs on the fridge? SOOO FUN!!!

I can't wait to see what you have to share with me this week, let's PARTY!!!

Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #16

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #15!!

OH MY HECK!!! It's 11:00 pm and I am about to go to bed and it hits me ... I DIDN'T POST THE PARTY!! AHHHH!!! Holy Moly!! Today was crazy, my mom had bunco at the house tonight and we were pretty much running around all day like crazy ladies. I decided to make my niece a super cute little lunch box and use it for today's project ...but in the middle of the bunco craziness I TOTALLY forgot to take a SINGLE picture. I have mental lame-ness (That's a serious illness!!!) hahaha, anyway ...

I was looking at the stats from the last few weeks parties and I was sad to see that they aren't near as popular as they use to be. And I take blame for that. Since Phil has been gone I just haven't had much motivation to craft. This single mom thing takes a lot out of me. And I'm finding myself so freakin' worn out by the time Bucket goes to sleep that I just want to sit on the couch for a few minutes before I zonk out. It's really unfortunately actually, especially considering the amount of projects I have piling up in my craft room waiting to be done. So, my June 9th resolution is to be a better crafter. AT LEAST twice a week, it's gonna be tough, but I CAN DO IT!!!

Thanks for sticking with me tho peeps!! ... my faithful followers are fabulous, and I'm sorry if I've let you down :(


Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #15

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday To Me!!

I didn't tell you guys sooner, but my birthday was on Saturday. I'm now 27 years old and I'm inching my way towards 30 and I'm not gonna lie, it feels weird. It was a very low key day, which I enjoyed. Went to Olive Garden with my parents for lunch, LOVE the soup and salad. Bucket had chicken fingers and french fries with about 2 gallons of ketchup, seriously, he just loves sucking it off the fry and then going back for more. Then my dad watched Bucket for a few hours and me and mom went tanning and then some shopping. We went to Pier 1 and it TOTALLY made me miss working there, kinda lame right? I didn't get to talk to Phil though, they are in the field for 2 weeks and of course my b-day had to fall smack dab in the middle of those two weeks :( he did send me a card though, which was very sweet. It was nice to just be able to enjoy time with loved ones.

I just realized that I didn't take a SINGLE picture of the day ... I'm a lame-o!!! I did get some birthday money though, so I think I may treat myself to the thrift store today. I will let you know what treasures I find!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #14

WELCOME!! WELCOME!!! Once again it's time for my weekly party, are you ready??!!! The project that I'm using today is a special one to me ... it's more of a show-off actually. My SIL had a precious little baby boy last week and she asked me to take some pictures of him. I really love how they turned out and I wanted to share them all with you. PLEASE keep in my mind that I am not a professional, nor do I claim to be one. I just sorta understand how to take a good picture, and I don't even have a ridiculously expensive camera. Those of you that are profesh and/or have FABULOUS cameras, please don't judge me too much ...

Ok ... I'm done showing off my new nephie, let's get down to business!!

I've decided that it's time to implement some rules ... totally uncool I know, but I think it's necessary.

1. Please link to a SPECIFIC post, not your blog address.

2. I don't care what you link up as long as it's something you created/made/re-furbished/upcycled/cooked, etc.

3. PLEASE put my button or a link to the party somewhere on your post or the sidebar, or a link party page. I know that there are like a bajillion parties out there and I can't expect you to put all bajillion of them in each post or it would be a bit outta control.

That's it!! Not too harsh of me right? Well, if you link up and find that your link disappears, just re-read the rules and re link. And as always, if you have any questions, please let me know!!

Show Us What You're Workin' With Wednesday #14

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