I have received 5 ... yes I said FIVE!!! Awards this past month!!!! I can't believe that you consider Me and My Bucket award-worthy ... Thank-You!! Thank-You!! Thank-You!!
All five of the ladies that presented me with these awards are FABULOUS and I LOVE reading their blogs and I hope you all will go check 'em out (If you don't already)

And last but not least ... Jennie, from
Cinnaberry Suite ...AND Pati at A Crafty Escape awarded me with The Gorgeous Blogger Award!!
Now I get to tell you some stuff about me ... Each award has it's own guidelines so I am combining them all together :)
10 Things about me ....- I am right handed but for the life of me I can't snap with my right hand ... weird right?
- Lemons with salt are my favorite snack!! I know it's HORRIBLE for my teeth but I love 'em!! My mouth is watering just thinking about it :)
- I LOVE me a fountain Diet Coke ... seriously, it's the best. Out of a can is the second best but I will not drink Diet Coke from a bottle, it's nasty!! Unfortunately, my new healthier lifestyle doesn't allow much of the heavenly beverage. I have about 12 oz a week, if that :(
- As you may know, I'm an ARMY wife. It has taught me patience, strengthened my love for the hubs 100 fold, and taught me how to be independent all over again. He is at OCS right now and I miss him like CRAZY ... but only 35 more days!!
- I use to be a manager of a Pier 1 and as a result I have acquired way more placemats, napkins, throw pillows, dishes, curtains and other randomness than I will EVER need. SERIOUSLY!!
- This one is funny ... I have a naturally pinkish-red hue to my skin and I am constantly asked if I am sunburned ... even in the dead of winter. Funny huh?
- I love being barefoot and I pretty much only wear socks when I'm running or wearing boots. As a result, my heels are quite dry and I have to give them a lot of extra attention, especially during sandal season.
- I love to read and I will always finish a book, even if it is the most boring and lame thing I have ever read ... it's torturous but I just can't not finish it.
- I am TERRIFIED of birds ... all sorts, but especially chickens, ducks, swans and geese. The tiny birds outside aren't as bad because they don't really get up in your business like the big ones do but I still get the heebs when one flies by. I will NOT go in the bird exhibits at the zoo. Oh I have a funny story about birds ... Back in my Pier 1 days I worked at the store in Park City, UT. As you may know, SOME of the people that live there are rather uppity and think they own the universe ... ANYWAY, one of those said customers decided to bring in one of these

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???!!! Uhhh no, I'm dead freaking serious!! Anyway, he had it on his arm like it was no big deal and it was making noise and flapping it's wings and I about number 2'd myself (sorry, for the image, but it was traumatizing) I literally ran to the stock room and was crying because I was so freaked out. I was shaking like a leaf and it was really bad. The guy was in there forever and it got to the point where I had to have someone ask him to leave because I had to be out front. He was totally understanding and even felt bad about it but I felt so ridiculous that I couldn't handle it.
10. Moose are my
FAVORITE animal ... I'm seriously
OBSESSED!! As a teenager I had a recurring dream that the man I would marry was with me when I saw my first live one and since then I just was obsessed. Before that I never thought twice about them. Weird right? And yes, the hubs was the one!!! I had other boyfriends who had taken me on drives up in the mountains trying to find one, but we never did.
10 Things I love ...- The smell of Suavitel laundry softener ... it's the best!!
- When Bucket wakes up and just sits in his crib for a bit and talks to himself, I think it's so flippin' cute!!
- My yellow blanket that I've had since I was a baby, I sleep with it every night. And yes I'm almost 27!! June 5th to be exact ;)
- White Tulips
- Coconut and anything with it in it. I use to eat it with a spoon right out of the bag :)
- Lady Gaga and her music. Yeah, she's a freak show but she is mad talented.
- Sushi!! The hubs hates it, so I don't get it as often as I would like. I literally ate way too much of it immediately after Bucket was born. I'm dead serious, I had been telling Phil for months that I wanted it right away and he made sure it happened.
- Victoria Beckham's perfume, Intimately Beckham, it's FABULOUS!!! I also like her hubs, ain't he great to look at??!! Unfortunately, once he opens his mouth he loses a bit of that sex appeal ... have you heard is voice? He sounds like a chick!! LOL
- Taking Baths
5 Things I don't like ...- When people drive slow, or I should say the speed limit, in the fast lane ... it's horrible!!
- That I know what time it is by what show is on Nick Jr. NO, I don't let Bucket watch TV all day long, but it is usually on because I like the noise.
- That I worry way too much.
- Phil driving his Harley on the freeway and if he isn't wearing a helmet it is STRICTLY forbidden!!
- Cold weather!! Why do I live in Utah, you ask? That's a great question!! I would love to never spend another winter here for as long as I live.
Ok, that was tough!!! Now you all know some totally useless crap about me!!!
FUN RIGHT??!! Onto the fun part ... I'm passing any one of these one to the following ladies. You can take all 4 or choose your favorite!!
Rachel @
Holy CraftJessica @
Live it. Love it. Craft it.Margo @
Blue Family SceneAshley @
Cute as a FoxKimmie @
I Live FancyTracy @
Tracy's Trinkets and TreasuresNicholette and Vanessa @
Craft EnvyMary @
Lil Bit Of UsA Little Lovely *** So sorry, but I don't know your first name ... I couldn't find it anywhere on your blog***Becca @
Bare Feet on the DashboardLynette @
My Craft DiscoveryCheryl @
Artsy FartsyKelli @
Whimsi KelNicole @
House of HuddlestonYou know what?? I just decided that you all are so fabulous that I want to give you all this ...

So, take it and pass it along to 10 friends and post 10 things that make you happy!!